Genealogy Research in

Have you got ancestors in Bedfordshire?

Can't get to the County Record Office?

Want a certificate of a lost relative?

Do you still have missing limbs on the family tree?

Would you like to have your Bedfordshire ancestor or friends traced professionally?
Let us do your genealogical research for you. We offer a genealogy/family history research service that pays close attention to detail with prompt results at affordable costs. Let us do your genealogical research for you

We can look up any records, census returns, IGI and GRO certificates for Bedfordshire.
We offer very competitive prices. Why pay out outrageous prices to other research firms who do not specialize in Bedfordshire Research?

We are highly familiar and knowledgeable about all inner workings of the local GRO certificates, census returns, and any other local Bedfordshire information you may have need of to complete your very own personal family history.
So why leave those blanks empty in your own family history tree?

Why not email with your request and sit back and relax knowing that your research is in safe hands.

You can also mail your request to:

PO Box 41, Bedford. MK41 6ZU

Please include as much information as you can.

This Bedford Ring site is owned by
Genealogy Research in Bedfordshire.

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This UK Genealogy Webring site is owned by
Genealogy Research in Bedfordshire.

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Last updated 13/04/98